October 05, 2019 5 min read

The positivity behind CBD oil has brought quite a lot of attention to its latter cousins: hemp oil and hemp seed oil.

The truth is, while hemp oil and CBD oil are often used synonymously, they are entirely different in the scope of their effect.

How exactly does hemp oil and CBD oil differ?

The most pronounced difference between hemp oil and CBD is that only products labeled CBD undergo the extraction and purification necessary to contain a useful quantity of CBD. Hemp oils only contain trace CBD and hemp seed oil products contain even less.

That means that CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same product. Hence why you can find hemp seed oil listed on Amazon, a store that does not allow the sale of CBD.

So why the confusion? Our theory is that hemp seed oil companies aren't motivated to make the distinction.

Below, we will cut to the chase and cover the differences between CBD oil, Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil.

7 Key Differences Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

Here are the 7 main differences between CBD and hemp oil, and why KANIBI chooses to only manufacture verified, double-tested CBD products.

#1 Hemp Seed Oil contains basically zero CBD.

While hemp seed oil is advertised as a jack of all trades, containing all of the benefits associated with the cannabis plant – it's not going to be your deal-hack for taking in CBD.

That's because while CBD and other cannabinoids do exist in CBD, the quantities are incredibly low [5]. What hemp seeds do contain, are an abundance of healthy fats and protein.

If you are looking for a quality source of CBD, then you want products sourced from the resin-producing flowing segments of the hemp plant. Hemp seeds provide zilch usable CBD.

Bottom line: Even if your hemp seed bottle label is flashy, don’t let it fool you. Hemp seed oil only contains tiny, trace amounts of CBD despite how they may be advertised.

#2 Hemp Oil can contain CBD, but not enough of it to matter.

We now know that hemp seed oil barely contains any CBD. But what about broad "hemp oil"? It isn't the same as hemp seed oil, is it?

Hemp seed oil vs hemp oil: Hemp seed oil is derived from extracting oil from seeds. Hemp oil on the other hand implies that the oil is extracted from the plants flowering segments. Yes, this is where CBD should be!

However in order to deliver measurable quantities of CBD in a serving size, the CBD must be concentrated. While cold-pressed hemp oil can be useful, it isn't going to contain enough CBD for our desired uses.

Bottom line: If the amount of CBD isn’t disclosed in your hemp oil, it likely is near zero.

#3 Products labeled hemp oil are often diluted with hemp seed oil. Once again, no CBD.

Here we have the third and final ploy in hemp oil advertising: hemp seed oil labeled as hemp oil.

Yes, this is a thing. It isn’t uncommon for a product to be labeled hemp oil on the front, disclose claims on the benefits of CBD, and then list hemp seed oil as the back-label ingredient.

This further solidifies the buyer’s advice that if you want CBD, make sure that you get verification on the dosage of CBD contained within your product.

Bottom line: Hemp seed oil products are often falsely labeled as hemp oil products, check the back label to know what you are getting.

#4 CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system while hemp seed oil is more super-food.

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is a phyto-cannabinoid which basically means a cannabinoid from plants. While CBD is one of over 100 phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant, CBD appears to have the most impressive non-psychoactive effect on our body's endocannabinoid system (self-made cannabinoids)[1].

That is why CBD supplements do what they do, period.

Hemp seed oil on the other hand is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids [2]. Hemp seed oil could be thought of as a superfood, like flax seed oil, while CBD oil is more about modulating the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Bottom line: Hemp seed oil is akin to super-foods like flaxseed oil; while hemp-derived CBD oil acts as a neurotransmitter upon the endocannabinoid system.

#5 Hemp oil is a natural moisturizer while CBD oil may do more.

The same healthy fats and minerals that make hemp oil super-food like also make it a great addition to your skincare routine. Specifically, the omega fats combined with a comedogenic score of zero makes hemp oil the ideal moisturizer for those with sensitive skin [3].

CBD denoted products often contain the same fatty acid profile while also delivering CBD to interact with the cannabinoid system.

Bottom line: Well made hemp seed oil is a great moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. CBD, on the other hand, delivers cannabinol in addition to its moisturizer effects.

#6 CBD oil may stimulate the endocannaboid system to help regulate sleep, mental clarity and exercise performance.

A lot of people settle on buying hemp oil hoping that it will ‘work at least a little bit’ or ‘I can just take more’. But that’s not how it works.

The benefits that you’ve read about that have drawn you to CBD oil is linked to the presence of CBD exclusively. Hemp void of CBD will not stimulate the endocannabinoid system.

Bottom line: While most CBD oils will bring forward the nutrient properties of hemp oil, hemp oil will not bring forward the CBD contents of designated CBD products.

#7 Hemp oil has been legal for quite some time while CBD oil is a recent event.

For many, this is the ‘aha’ moment where you realize exactly why the hemp / hemp seed oil confusion has become such a big deal. Up until recently, hemp seed oil was all that cannabis aficionados could legally get their hands on to supplement their diets.

With the Farm Bill of 2018, the flood gates to CBD opened, and it was so easy to get ‘lost in the commotion’ that hemp companies simply went with the flow instead of making product differences distinct.

Bottom line: CBD products recently hit markets in 2018, while hemp oil has been commercially available for ages leading to recent confusion surrounding what contains CBD.

Final Verdict: we’ll stick with CBD

New customers always find the differences between standard hemp seed oil and CBD oil fascinating, and we’re happy to dive into it.

The key takeaway here is that hemp oil only becomes CBD oil after it is meticulously extracted and purified.

These extra steps are as vital as growing conditions, where organically grown hemp transitions into perfectly measured CBD-rich extract.

KANIBI CBD is sourced from organically grown hemp plants and contains full-spectrum cannabinoids. That means all of the other cannabinoids in addition to CBD are included which is favored for the entourage effect.

The entourage effect is how CBD interacts with its other cannabinoids to have a greater positive influence on the body's endocannabinoid system [4]. Simply put, full-spectrum CBD oils are more effective.

So, which will you ultimately choose: Hemp oil or CBD? If you choose CBD, we’re happy to provide you with our best.